Treatise of Ori, hardcopy

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Concise manual for the consecration.

Tratado of Orí

Carga and preparation of Orí                                                                                    

Vestments of Apere Orí                                                                                                 

Secret of Orí                                                                                                                 

Ceremony done to the Orí of an Awó who has died                                           

Inshe secret of Orí                                                                                                           

Story of Ori with Dada Igbañale                                                                               

Atena of Orí                                                                                                                      

Osain of Ori                                                                                                                                       Chants that are sung when the Atena is being painted                                   

Súyere to throw the leaves over the Atena                                                            

Súyere for when the recipient of Orí is being cleaned                                      

Obi to Orí                                                                                                                         

Súyere when the Auré is brought in                                                                         

The Matanza begins                                                                                                       

When the parts of the Auré are being presented                                                 

What is prayed when the Atena is erased