
David H. Brown, Ph.D. received his Ph.D. in American Studies from Yale University in 1989. He taught African Diaspora arts at Emory University and the University of Texas, Austin, from 1990-2000. David owns and operates AsheExpress.com, having owned and managed its parent company, Folkcuba.com, from 2000-2016.

He is the author of Santería Enthroned: Art, Ritual, and Innovation in an Afro-Cuban Religion. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2003 and The Light Inside: Abakuá Arts and Cuban Cultural History. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, 2003. Both are now in reprint by Routledge. Adeshina’s Cuba: The Yoruba Lucumi Priesthoods, 1830-1959, is in press, 2022. A fourth book is in press as of April 2022. Patakin: Orisha Stories from the Odu of Ifa presents 256 never-before-seen stories translated by David Brown from the Spanish.

David crowned Obatalá Ayáguna with Oyá in 2000 in Havana. He has the Awofaka of Orula, Iwori Koso, since 1991. His godparents were Hermes Valera Ramirez, Otura Sa; and Zenaida Justiz, Odomiguale; of  Cayo Hueso, Havana.

Please do not hesitate to contact David by email for any questions or suggestions regarding products. Please note that he does not do consultations, but is willing to recommend the best resources for reasonable inquiries.

David H. Brown, Ph.D. recibio' su doctorado de la Universidad de Yale en 1989. Es el dueño y gerente de AsheExpress.com, una compania de Folkcuba.com, que dirigio' desde 2000.

No deje de contactar a David por el correo electrónico por cualquiera pregunta o sugerencia en cuanto a los productos. Favor de entender que no hace consultas, pero sí esta preparado a recomendar los mejores recursos por solicitudes razonables.

David es el autor de Santería Enthroned: Art, Ritual, and Innovation in an Afro-Cuban Religion. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2003 y The Light Inside: Abakuá Arts and Cuban Cultural History. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, 2003. Tambien, un tercer libro que esta de entregar al editorial es: Adeshina’s Cuba: The Yorubá Lucumí Priesthoods, 1830-1959. Es una historia de los Babalawos y los Iyaloshas y Babaloshas de Cuba.Ya terminado y listo a vender es "Patakin: Orisha Stories from the Odu of Ifa," que tiene 256 cuentos traducidos para el ingles por David Brown.

David coronó la Osha--Obatalá Ayáguna con Oyá en el 2000 en La Habana. Tiene el Awofaka de Orula, Iwori Koso, desde el 1991.

No deje de contactar a David por correo electronico (obatala18@optimum.net) o el Facebook Messenger (Eguinkolade).