Treatise of Osun of Ifa, hardcopy

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Treatise of Osun, with Complete Ceremonies of Mounting this Orisha

Translated from the Spanish by David H. Brown, Ph.D. (Eguín Koladé)

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Table of Contents

Description of Osun                                         

Carga of Osun                                                                          

Ifá odu pertinent to the charging and ceremony of Osun            

Symbolic referents of Osun’s parts                                                      

Osun of Extension as related to male and female recipients                

Spirits of Osun and their corresponding Ifá odu                          

Carga for the Osun of the Warriors                                                      

Inshe Osain for the Iré of Osun                                                           

Diagram of Onijumo Naki                                                                 

Diagram of Eran                                                                             

Carga and ceremonies of the Osun of Extension                     

Ceremony of Consecration for a Child of Osun                               

The Carga of Osun’s Four Columns                                           

Appendices: Selected Patakin of Osun                                                      10                

Iwori Bogbe                                                                                       

Ojuani Hermoso                                                                                   

Ojuani Osá                                                                                            

Ogundá Roso                                                                                    

Iká Dí                                                                                             

Irete Lazo