Treatise of Inle, hardcopy

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Translated from the Spanish by David H. Brown, Ph.D. (Eguín Koladé)

Table of Contents                                           

Inle’s Identity                                                           

Alborán of Inle                                                           

The Family of Inle                                                      

Attributes and Ceremonies of the Iyawó of Inle               

Fundamento, Tools, and Attributes of Inle                       

The Crown of Inle                                                       

Pilón of Inle                                                                 

Yemayá con Oro para Inle                                         

The Middle Day                                                            

Food of Inle                                                          

Inle’s Tinaja or Sopera                                          

Inle of the Babalawo                                         

The Necklace of Inle                                            


The Secret of Abata                                                   



The Ceremony of Asao                                                 

Eyabó to Inle                                                                 

Prayer to Invoke Inle                                               

Appendices: Patakín of Inle                                      

Babá Eyiogbe                                                                

Ogbe Yono                                                         

Oyekún Fún Bedura:                                               =

Odí Wori                                                                       

Iroso Trupon: The Veneral Disease of Orunla                              

Okana Dí: The Path of Wealth of the Omó of Oshún               

Okana Fún: Here the Guabina Was Born                                         

Otrupon Meyi                                                              

Otrupon Sá