The Odu of Lucumi (Hardcopy)

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The Odu of Lucumi.
By James J. Kulevich Erìnmi Awo Aláàfin Òyó.

Back in print at publisher's new edition price.

855 pages / páginas
*This is an English translation of a popular Dice Ifa*

The great value of this work lies in its synthesis and the presentation of so many verses of Ifá largely from the Cuban tradition, but in English and Yoruba in a readable an concise manner.
                       -- Professor Wándé Abímbólá

Drawing upon old documents, Odù of Lucumí is one of the most substantial translations of the Cuban Lucumí Ifá divination format. Carefully presented, it achieves additional rigor with the attentive editing of Chief Fama Àìná Adéwálé-Somahdi.

More than 10 pages are devoted to each of the major Òdu and 2 to 5 pages to each of the compound Òdu. Each systematic presentation of an Òdu contains:
- Orishas speaking
- Herb of the sign
- Eshu of the sign
- Very substantial prayer of the sign
- Ifá’s advice
- Multiple ebos.