Terminal Bud from Royal Palm / Pirigallo de la Palma Real

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  • Regular price $280.00
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Authentic terminal bud for the consecration of Ifa.

Prigallo autentico para la consagracion de Ifa.

Order with two weeks advance notice.

Ponga la orden dos semanas antemano.

Shipped fresh, in perfect protected condition, directly to you, from the subtropics. The 8 ft. long bud requires oversize UPS shipping. For the east coast, it is about $70 for ground. For the West Coast $120. Order the item and then I will work out shipping with you.

Mandado fresquito, protegido y de condicion perfecta, directa a ud. El pirigallo de 8 pie exige un mandato de paquete grande y cuesta sobre $70 por la UPS para nordeste. Para California, $120. Favor de ordenar la pieza y se lo calculo el flete despues.