"Patakin" and "The Light Inside" Twofer

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A Super Twofer: Two Eguin Kolade Classics. Buy Patakin and get The Light Inside for $10.

Signed by the Author!

Patakín: Orisha Stories from the Odu of Ifa

Contains 240 stories from the Cuban Lucumí Ifá corpus. Expertly translated to English by David H. Brown, Ph.D., Egüín Koladé.

“A treasure trove of a book, containing translated texts, commentary and analysis of a large body of Lukumi Ifá divination narratives. It provides a fresh perspective on the cultural transmission of Orisha Religion in Cuba. With an especially valuable introduction, it overflows with detailed information and insight on the interaction of written and oral sources of the tradition on both sides of the Black Atlantic" (Anthropologist George Brandon).


David H. Brown, The Light Inside: Abakua Society Arts and Cuban Cultural History

A groundbreaking study of an Afro-Cuban secret society, its sacred arts, and their role in modern Cuban cultural history. In this interdisciplinary work, Brown brings together art history and cultural anthropology with Latin American, African Diaspora, and Cultural studies.